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A Brief History of Khmer New Year

History of Khmer New Year: At the beginning of the festival, there was a rich man who had a 9-year-old son named Dhammabal Komar, but he had excellent knowledge, knew the language of animals, and could memorize various Trinitarian scriptures.

Dhammabal Komar is revered in Buddhism, the performance of sermons became more famous to the people at that time, knowing Kabil Mahaprabhu, who performed happiness for all people in Brahmanism. Kab áž”ិl Maháž–្ážšprabhu was informed that there was another religion in Kampong Lben, so he became a Brahmin and came down to ask three questions to the children's dharma and promised that if the children's dharma could solve the riddle, the Brahmin would be beheaded. Children's Dhamma, but if the children's Dhamma cannot solve the parable, the Brahmin ego will behead the children's Dhamma. For this parable, the children's dhamma teacher asked for a 7-day delay to find the answer.

On the last day of the 7th day, the children's dharma still could not find the answer and realized that tomorrow morning he would be killed by Judge Bill Mahaprabhu, so the children's dharma decided to run and hide. Dhammapala Komar ran away from the village and, tired and in the evening enough to rest, went to rest under a pair of palm trees, the nest of a pair of male eagles.

That night, the female eagle asked the male eagle, "Will we get food from the Nazis tomorrow morning?" The male eagle replied, "We will eat the flesh of the child monk" who will be killed by Kobil Mahaprabhu because he could not solve the riddle. The eagle continued, "What is that parable?" The male eagle described the first parable in the morning, "Where is the glory?" The answer is "in the face" because people have to wash their face when they wake up in the morning. The second parable asks, "At noon, where is the glory?" The answer is "in the chest" because people have to wash their breasts with water at noon when the weather is hot. The third parable asks, "At night, where is the glory?" Answer "at the feet" because people have to wash their feet with water before going to bed at night (night).

Dhammapala heard this and was very happy and went back and won the parable. Before beheading, the Brahmin turned his body into the Great Brahma and called his seven daughters, saying, If the elements were thrown into the air, the rain would stop, if thrown into the ocean, the water would dry up. Let the seven children take the crown. When he had finished, Kabel Moha Brahma cut off his head and handed it over to Princess Tungsa Tevy, the eldest son. Princess Tungsa Tevy took the trophy to receive the head of the father, flew to summon Mount Sumeru and took the oath of allegiance in Kantha Mali cave, Phnom Kailas, by sacrificing various magical objects

As for the seven goddesses, they gave seven gems named Phakavatisapha to the children's dhamma, and the children's dharma name was Preah Visakam Tevbot.

  • Red gems
  • Blue gems (and finally belonged to Mekkhala, the angel representing thunder)
  • Purple gems
  • Yellow gem
  • Green gems (carved in the image of Buddha Keo Morakod)
  • White rock (born Hanuman)
  • Black gems

And other gems are not in the documents because some documents are lost, some are from Sri Lanka.

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